Comedy Influx

Let’s laugh together initiative is celebrating International Migrants Day with some ‘Comedy Influx’! Get some wine or tea, at 8 pm and join us for an online comedy gig! Register here by 18 December 4 pm to get ZOOM link :…/1FAIpQLScaHSq2AXt…/viewform…

We gathered seven participants among people who are labeled as ‘refugees and migrants or ex-pats’ from Syria, Palestine, Columbia, Venezuela, France, and Lithuania. The evening will be facilitated by one and only @Tom Parry, award-winning stand-up comedian. We will keep announcing our surprises as the date approaches! Want to learn more about us? Follow our page or join our FB group to stay tuned –

Partners and supporters: Lagrange Points Brussels is a beautiful international cultural hub, and a Bookstore café, with an Arab identity, a place for literature, music, art, films, events & public conversations in Brussels. Feras Abo Dabboseh & co. has kindly agreed to share their auspices for filming if the situation allows. RANA asbl stands for Refugees Are Not Alone. This Brussels-based organisation provides essential assistance for the inclusion of refugees arriving in Belgium, accompanying them individually so that they can start afresh and live independently. No Direction Home by Counterpoints Arts, is a London-based pioneering project featuring stand-up comedians from refugee and migrant backgrounds. The initiative is led by Tom Green and mentored by award-winning comedian Tom Parry. Border Line Offensive, is a platform for artistic research and art-based societal development, European and Middle Eastern artists explore issues of migration, sociological contact zones, intercultural conflict and dialogue, collective identity-building, and community cohesion in contemporary Europe through new artistic creations. Would like to be partners of this event? 
Drop us a line at

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